Sunday, April 25, 2010

The little things

I'm looking back on the last week and all the little thing that grace has done. I never knew how much the little things ment. I have always done them for others but now reseveing them and it's great!! The little things make a huge diferance. A hug for no reason, a kiss, holding hands, and any affection in public. They all are little things but mean alot. Things are great. I think things will get better once I have a local job. I always have plans for two events. The good and the bad. I only see good for the future. It's a nice change of pace. I haven't said "I love you" to grace in some time. There's two reasons why I haven't. One: I know grace knows I love her. Two: I know it makes her uncomfertable. So I'm holding it in. I will start saying it again when she says it or when I can't hold it in anymore. Lol. I have told her things that I would have kept back til much later in our relationship but I wanted her to know everything she could about me before we spent months together and have one of those things be a deal braker. She's still with me so I'm happy that I did it that way. Well I better watch the road.

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