Sunday, April 25, 2010


Well I'm in the truck and ready to go get my load. I have been away from grace for 30min or so. I haven't worked in some time and today is going to be a hard one. Driving and trying not to text or call grace. I don't know why I always want to know every little detail about what's she's doing but I do and I like to know things. Maybe it's because of my last relationship. How I was used and never was told the truth. Idk. I'm trying to not ask all the time when her phone goes off but I'm nosey. Lol. She's trying to be better at saying things straight our insted of a round about way. And I know it's hard for her and I apreaceate how she's trying. I said goodbye to her this morning and we hugged and a little kiss. It was great. I could feel the love in that hug. I belive that she's starting to have feelings for me. Well granted there hard to be some to start with or she wouldn't have been with me this long. Haha. As much as I want to stay home and spend more time with her I think it will be good for both of us to spend some time apart right now. Granted it's my work that's doing it but never the less it's time that we need apart. The heart grows fonder with time. Right? I can't wait to go to LA for my cusins baby shower. It's going to be a short visit but and great time. I will see my family and grace will see hers. I may plan little tiros like that this summer. It will be easier once I have a local job. Well I wanted to put other things down about driveing and lees plans about a truck but I have to go. Maybe tonigh when I stop I will write about it.

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